Holocaust 101 Lesson Plans

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Susanne M. Reyto

April 2023

This study guide is intended for middle and high school teachers as a resource to help them teach the history of the Holocaust.

The guide contains mini lesson-plans for the following topics:

  • Holocaust 101:  An introduction to the Holocaust, WW II
  • Why Teach the Holocaust?:  (because history can and does repeat itself!)
  • Rise of Hitler and Nazism
  • Nurenberg Laws
  • Life in the Ghettos and the Camps
  • Rescuers and victims of hatred and anti-Semitism
  • The dangers of silence, the consequences of indifference
  • Healing, Hope and Resilience Through Art, Music and Culture

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The Holocaust is not solely a European event but a human catastrophe that altered all of history including that of the United States. 

It is important to learn these historical facts so that a similar tragedy never occurs again anywhere in the world.

Reader Comments and Testimonials

Thank you, your amazing presentation had a huge impact on our students.  Teacher,  Nobel Charter/Magnet School for Advanced Studies, CA

Appreciate your presentation very much, you have just changed the lives of 85 students. Professor from Cal State Fullerton